I walk downtown, my black wallet in hand. I've been invited to a Mardi Gras costume party, and now I need to find a costume. Mardi Gras is tomorrow, and all the good costumes are taken. As long as I don't end up in a chicken suit, I don't really care what I get. I head down a side street, to a large speciality costume shop. For some reason, before I get there, I turn down a dark alley and onto a small dim street. It is rather creepy, but, oh well. I notice a door across from me and I walk in.
My voice echoes through the small shop.
"You don't need to shout." I jump and swivel around. An old man, bent with age, stands hunched over an elaborately carved cane. "What do you need? I s'pose you want a costume?"
My voice catches in my throat, and I barely manage a small nod, accompanied by a squeak. The old man totters into a back room and returns with three packages. The first is a bright blue and yellow frilly dress, covered in bows. The mask is beaded and looks like a butterfly. The second dress is brown, and looks like faux fur. It is accompanied by a small, eyeglass-like mask.
Finally, he takes out a black, slim dress. Along with it is a shimmery feathered black cape. The mask looks like bird wings. I know which one I want.